Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How Could You

Sooo, you stabbed the kids to death, because you were mad at your husband.

  What kind of mess is this. Not only did you kill your 7yr old son, but you killed the 5yr old girl you were babysitting too.

Excuse me but, I just have to say this. There is no excuse for this type of behavior. In my opinion I do not believe this lady is crazy, I believe she acted out of anger and was in a dying need of attention from her husband. Having the kids kneel down and pray as you stabbed them to death, and hearing them beg for their lives. Excuse my french but, you need to be put under the jail.

Message to you Mrs. Elzbieta Plackowska,
      This is something you have to live with for the rest of your life, and I pray that you find god within yourself and try to ask for his forgiveness. When you close your eyes at night, laying in that cold jail house do you see the smile of your baby boy?, Can you hear him saying I love you mommy? My heart is just torn.

Thought of the Day: Never let a man push you to the limit, that you have to kill for attention. You should just leave.

Blowing kisses up to heaven.

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